May 5, 2009

Busy Day

What a glorious day! ..... to be on a roof?

Here it is. The first big work day. Several friends came over to help tear off the old shingles. They gave up part or all of their Saturday to be a blessing to us. The dads who worked brought their kids to play so we had lots of people on top of the roof and lots of little people inside the house, well, mostly on the porch so that they could be a part of the action.

We walked around the block a couple of times and waved to everyone on the roof from the rear view. Hellewww over there!

Our front window became the magic portal to the construction world. Never mind that the front screen door was propped open! At least they weren't jumping off the porch wall.... yet.

This is my house and that is my husband on the roof. Careful!

Keep up the good work! You can do eeet! Shawn and Steve are up there somewhere too.

On the other side, there are more shingles.

I climbed the ladder to get a better look at the roof. I even contemplated stepping onto the pick so I could get a close-up of the guys working. Then I came to my senses and realized that if I did that I might just be stuck there terrified to move back onto the ladder. Someone would have to call a rescue team.... and that just didn't seem worth it.

This picture shows Mike and Micah on the pick and Randy on the rooftop. They make it look so easy.

Here's the "ground crew." If you click on the picture with the ladders, you may even be able to spot another observer watching through the window.

My older brother came over to be the real ground crew. He told me that if I put his picture on here that I would have to pay him. Hence the blackout. I'm such a cheapskate!

At times the sky looked like rain may be coming but the good weather held.

Amazing! This is my brother running the wheelbarrow up a skinny little ramp. Good aiming, Matt!

Okay, break time's over. Get back to work.

Noah and Ethan figured out how to get a better view.

After the tear off was done, Katherine started to help by picking up stray pieces of old felt paper.

Isaiah got into the action too. He got that piece into the dumpster.

Clearing the neighbor's yard. Thanks, Josiah!

Good job!

They worked until it was too dark to work anymore. They cleared off one side of the roof, replaced bad boards, felted almost all of it but ran out of light. If only the sun had waited for one more hour! The last bit was covered with tarps for another day.
Thanks to everyone who has helped with this endeavor!

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