November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Thought

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. To me, it means a gathering of family for fun, food, games, and remembrances. No pressure. No great expectations. Just us being us. That's good when you're a little quirky.

I can get melancholy thinking of holidays past - remembering family no longer with us, a carefree spirit which now is responsible for others, or hope deferred which has now been fulfilled in a much better way than originally imagined.

It is easy to long for the past; however, the best place to be is Now. Sometimes Now is hard but seasons change, hard times pass. Joy comes.

Thanksgiving this year has been full of children enjoying each others' company ... rather loudly, sharing a meal or four, playing games, visiting and encouraging one another. We are enjoying this time and each other because one day this will be one of those times we look back and remember fondly for this season of our life.

Funny of the day: Aunt Carol asks Josiah, "What are you thankful for?" "I don't know. Why do you ask?", is his casual reply. Hey, man, it's Thanksgiving!

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