August 27
th was Josiah's first day of school. We got up early, ate breakfast, got dressed and went to the porch to wait for the school bus. This would be the first time Josiah has ever rode on a school bus!
He was more excited about than me. I was thankful that he would be picked up at our driveway. It is a huge blessing in the amount of gas money it will save us for the year.
We waited and waited. Then I began to worry. At 8:00 the bus was half an hour late. John called from work to ask how Josiah did
getting on the bus. "We're still waiting. I'm going to call and see what I can find out.", I reply. I called the bus company first and got the answering machine. Then I called the school. From the school I learn that the bus is running very late but that it will come.
Okaaay. We wait longer. I call the school again at 8:30. The bus is still coming and has picked up the first student. It should be there any time.
Okaaaay. FYI - school starts at 8:45. The students are supposed to arrive by 8:40. It takes me 15 minutes to get there from my house - that's with no stops. I'm getting anxious. At 9:00 I call the school again. Pastor Diane, the principal, is in the chapel service. Since the lady answering the phone that time was a volunteer, she didn't have any information for me.
This whole time I'm thinking that I could take Josiah to school myself but I didn't want to mess up the school bus driver if we weren't here when the bus arrived. I was also disappointed that Josiah would be late for the first day of school.
Well, we wait some more. At 9:30 I call the school again. By this time, they know my number on caller ID and answer, "Hi. We were just about to call you." The school bus arrived to school and there was no Josiah.
Mmm hmmm. I thought so!! Apparently, the bus company decided that they were picking up the students at the nearest corner this year. The bus company never communicated this to the school or the parents!
Brothers waiting together.I quickly got Noah out of bed, put him in the car seat and gave him a bottle. Nathan and Josiah got in the car and away we went. Josiah finally made it to school. Yay!
Josiah arriving to school in our family car.
Josiah had a wonderful time at school and did get to ride the bus
Josiah getting on the bus the second morning of school.